With the national rate of burnout amongst teachers increasing in the United States, teacher self-care has become more prominent a topic than ever. The ability for teachers to find a healthy work-life balance outside of the classroom is incredibly important for their mental and physical health in the long term. For many teachers, it might be less about finding the time and more about finding the effort. After the demanding days they endure, it can be challenging for teachers to produce the effort it requires to practice meaningful self-care. Even something as simple as a walk throughout the neighborhood may seem impossible. The truth is it’s going to require practicing these habits regularly in order to make a difference in the long term, so begin with something small and try to work up to the bigger projects or hobbies you’ve been meaning to explore. If you’re struggling to think of ways in which you can practice self-care in the immediate future, look no further than the infographic paired alongside this post for methods that are sure to help you as soon as today. Check it out for more information.